Our Team

Summer 2022 Team

Sofia Goldberg (‘24)

Sofia Goldberg


I am a Mechanical Engineering major, and am also interested in design and zoology. I mainly helped with the design and fabrication of the physical parts of the robot, such as the racks inside the tubes and the tube clamps. I got into this project because I was interested in improving my prototyping skills, working on a team, and learning more about aquaculture and underwater robotics. I offered to SCUBA dive with the robot during testing, but was turned down because I would be a liability.

Brooke Moss (‘25)

Brooke Moss


My intended major is Engineering: Sustainability, but I also have a strong interest in Robotics and programming. My future plans are to combine my interests in sustainabilty and robotics to create innovative technological solutions to agricultural and marine problems. I joined this project to gain experience doing hands-on robotics and sustainability work. In addition, I took an interest in this project due to my connection to Downeast Maine, where aquaculture is a growing industry and topic of conversation. My work on this project has consisted of electrical/sensing design and assembly, research into the sustainability-related applications of our robot, and some programming.

Mahima Beltur (‘22)

Mahima Beltur


On paper I’m an Engineering major with a concentration in Computing, but I have spent much of my time working in various spaces in robotics. I started with computer vision and human-interaction with robotics and eventually my interest has grown towards autonomy and field robotics (especially in under-water settings)- which is what led me to this project! My work this summer has been around implementing updated electrical systems, integrating sensors, wireless communication and control systems, and programming the profiler’s main functionality.

Lauren Thorbecke (‘25)

Lauren Thorbecke


I intend to major in Mechanical Engineering, but have a strong interest in Robotics, which is the field I want to get involved with after graduation. I joined this project so that I could gain experience in prototyping and fabrication for robotics-related projects. I have mainly been helping with the mechanical side of the project.

Past Team Members

Shawn Albertson (‘21)


Sander Miller (‘22)

Sander Miller


I graduated in 2022 with a degree in Engineering with a concentration in robotics. I am interested in perception, control, and automation. On the aquaculture project I explored the feasability of using computer vision to monitor key data such as growth rates, biomass, and pen populations. I also helped design, build, and test the profiler’s preliminary electrical and software systems.

Lilly O’saurus (‘22)

Lilly O'saurus


I graduated in 2022 with a degree in Engineering with a concentration in robotics. I am interested in Mechanical design, user experience design, and engineering for sustainability. On the aquaculture project I explored how to connect the profiler to existing infrastructure and how to design it for long mission deployment. I also helped design build and test the profiler’s preliminary electrical and mechanical systems.

Zoie Leo (‘24)

Zoie Leo


I have a passion for robotics, particularly integrating the mechanical aspects, since I am studying for a degree in Mechanical Engineering. What drew me to this project was the technical challenge of underwater robotics and designing infrastructure to support sustainability. On this project I helped design, build, and iterate on protoypes along with a water testing rig for streamlining robot propulsion. I also had the chance to work on my soft skills by conducting interviews with potential customers, along with organizing a site visit to an offshore Aquaculture farm.

Shashank Swaminathan (‘22)


Sam Cabrera Valencia (‘23)